Configuring libvdwxc

This document describes how to use the configure script of libvdwxc in various situations and tune the parameters of the build system.

Optional features

Optional features of libvdwxc are triggered through the --enable options of configure. They can only be set to yes (--enable-option) or no (--disable-option). To guarantee the reliability of the build system behaviour, custom --enable-option=not_yes_or_no_value are explicitly forbidden. All optional features are disabled by default.

The --enable-debug option is mainly used by developers and triggers verbose output from the library at run-time.

The --enable-timing option is used for benchmarks and makes libvdwxc provide timing information at run-time.

MPI parameters

Default behaviour

If no MPI option is specified on the command line, the build system will check whether the detected compilers support MPI. If the result is positive, MPI support will be enabled, or disabled otherwise. If MPI options are specified, the build system will enable MPI support if all corresponding tests pass, or stop with an error otherwise, except for --without-mpi which disables MPI support.

Please note that MPI is considered as working only if both the C and Fortran compilers are MPI-aware.

Using the –with-mpi option

Through the --with-mpi option, you can specify the installation prefix of a working MPI implementation. The build system will automatically look for MPI-aware compilers in the bin/ subdirectory of the specified prefix. For example, if you type:

../configure --with-mpi=/usr/local/my_mpi

the build system will look for /usr/local/my_mpi/bin/mpicc and /usr/local/my_mpi/bin/mpif90, check that they are executable, and set CC and FC accordingly if they were previously unset.

If the --with-mpi option is specified without argument, the build system will check that the compilers set in $CC and $FC are actually MPI-aware and stop with an error if not. On the other hand, if the --without-mpi option is used, MPI support will be completely disabled.

Please note that the --with-mpi option conflicts with the use of MPI-related environment variables.

Using environment variables

Alternatively to the --with-mpi option, you can specify MPI-aware compilers through environment variables, either via CC and FC, or MPICC and MPIFC. Please note that when using MPICC and MPIFC, both variables must be specified or the build system will stop with an error, and that using environment variables conflicts with the use of the --with-mpi option.

Special case: adjustable MPI implementations

MPI-aware compilers, such as mpicc, mpicxx, and mpif90, are actually wrappers which call the serial compilers with all necessary parameters to have MPI working. A few MPI vendors even allow users to specify the compilers to use at run-time, instead of hard-coding them in these wrappers when they are installed. For instance, if you set CC=gcc before running mpicc, the wrapper will use GCC to compile your programs, while if you set CC=icc, it will use the Intel compiler.

This is very convenient from the perspective of a system administrator, because the MPI user interface completely encapsulates the implementation and hides its peculiarities. A supercomputer can be rearranged and upgraded while still providing the same interface. This is however a problem for the Autotools, because they require the C, C++, and Fortran compilers to be accessed through CC, CXX, and FC, respectively. To use MPI, they require e.g. CC to be set to mpicc.

A possible solution to circumvent this issue is to add another layer by wrapping the wrappers. This is what the build system of libvdwxc does. If a MPI implementation needs e.g. CC to be set to a particular serial compiler, this definition will be put into a shell script that will call the MPI-aware wrapper afterwards. This how the shell script schematically looks like:

export CC
mpicc $*

The Autotools are then pointed to this script as if it were the real compiler.

You can activate this feature by setting CC and FC to actual serial compilers and either use the --with-mpi option or the MPICC and MPIFC environment variables. The build system will detect this double setting and activate internal MPI wrapping.

FFTW3 parameters

Default behaviour

FFTW3 is a requirement of libvdwxc. If you do not specify any FFTW3-related option, or specify --with-fftw3 without arguments, the build system will look for the include files and libraries using the information made available by the current development environment. If it fails to detect them, it will stop with an error.

Please note, that, for obvious reasons, specifying --without-fftw3 is forbidden and will give an error.

Using the –with-fftw3 option

Through the --with-fftw3 option, you can specify the installation prefix of a working FFTW3 installation. The build system will automatically look for include files in the include/ subdirectory of the specified prefix and for libraries in the lib/ subdirectory. For example, if you type:

../configure --with-fftw3=/usr/local/my_fftw3

the build system will look for includes in /usr/local/my_fftw3/include/ and for libraries in /usr/local/my_fftw3/lib/.

With this option, the names of the libraries are set by the build system and take the MPI configuration into account: if MPI is enabled, the build system will require the MPI-aware FFTW3 libraries, otherwise it will only look for the serial ones. You can however specify non-standard library names and compiler-specific parameters through environment variables.

Please note that the --with-fftw3 option conflicts with the use of FFTW3-related environment variables.

Using environment variables

Alternatively to the --with-fftw3 option, you can specify include flags and library flags through the FFTW3_INCLUDES and FFTW3_LIBS environment variables. For example:

../configure \
  FFTW3_INCLUDES="-I/usr/local/my_fftw3/include" \
  FFTW3_LIBS="-L/usr/local/my_fftw3/lib -lfftw3"

Please note that both variables must be specified or the build system will stop with an error, and that using environment variables conflicts with the use of the --with-fftw3 option.

PFFT parameters

Default behaviour

PFFT is an optional dependency of libvdwxc and can be used only if MPI is enabled. If you do not specify any PFFT-related option and a working MPI implementation is found, the build system will look for the include files and libraries using the information made available by the current development environment. If it fails to detect them, it will disable support for PFFT.

Using the –with-pfft option

Through the --with-pfft option, you can specify the installation prefix of a working PFFT installation. The build system will automatically look for include files in the include/ subdirectory of the specified prefix and for libraries in the lib/ subdirectory. For example, if you type:

../configure --with-pfft=/usr/local/my_pfft

the build system will look for includes in /usr/local/my_pfft/include/ and for libraries in /usr/local/my_pfft/lib/.

With this option, the names of the libraries are set by the build system. You can however specify non-standard library names and compiler-specific parameters through environment variables.

If the --with-pfft option is specified without argument, the build system will check that the include files and libraries can actually be found from the currently available environment information, and stop with an error if not or if MPI is disabled. On the other hand, if the --without-pfft option is used, PFFT support will be completely disabled.

Please note that the --with-pfft option conflicts with the use of PFFT-related environment variables.

Using environment variables

Alternatively to the --with-pfft option, you can specify include flags and library flags through the PFFT_INCLUDES and PFFT_LIBS environment variables. For example:

../configure \
  PFFT_INCLUDES="-I/usr/local/my_pfft/include" \
  PFFT_LIBS="-L/usr/local/my_pfft/lib -lpfft"

Please note that both variables must be specified or the build system will stop with an error, and that using environment variables conflicts with the use of the --with-pfft option.

Trouble shooting

When the configure script stops with an error, it means that the build environment does not provide sufficient and/or consistent components for the build of libvdwxc to succeed as you have requested. Here is some advice to diagnose and possibly fix the issue.

Diagnosing the issue

The first step is to determine what precisely caused the configure script to stop. To achieve it, the first source of available information is the very output of configure and the location of the error message within it. The error message itself should already point quite explicitly to the cause of the error in most cases. If it occurs at the beginning of the configuration process, chances are that the options you specified are inconsistent and/or conflicting. When happening later, it is probable that a required component is missing or malfunctioning in your build environment.

If the origin of the issue is still not clear, the other main source of information is the config.log file, located in the top build directory, which tracks down and reports the whole configuration process. Open the file and look at its contents above the last occurence of failed. This will tell you why the last configuration test performed before the error failed.

Fixing the issue

In many cases, basic instructions on how to fix the issue are provided with the error message itself. They often take the form of proposed alternatives. In such a case, select the one which is the most relevant to you. If it involves the installation of third-party software, please consult your operating system vendor and/or the component vendor should you need help, in particular if you do not have the sufficient privileges to install software on your system.

The most frequent origin of configuration failures is an incomplete and/or inconsistent build environment. Here is a list of environment variables that we invite you to check and adjust:

  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH consists in a column-separated list of directories containing shared libraries (.so files), ordered by search priority; it has been used for decades by compilers to dynamically link programs with their external dependencies;
  • LIBRARY_PATH is a refinement with respect to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and has the same syntax; it is used by modern compilers at link-time, while LD_LIBRARY_PATH is only used at run-time; whatever you add to the latter should be copied as well into LIBRARY_PATH;
  • PATH also consists in a column-separated list of directories, and indicates where to search for executable programs, including compilers.

For example, if FFTW3 is installed in /usr/local/my_fftw3, you should set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH as follows:


if you use a Bourne-like shell, or:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/local/my_fftw3/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
setenv LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/local/my_fftw3/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH"

if you use a C-like shell.

Following these instructions, you will be able to fix nearly 95% of the issues you will encounter with the configuration process.

Making your fixes permanent

The instructions above will work only within your current session. You will have to perform these actions again each time you want to build libvdwxc. One possibility is to save all the shell commands needed for the configuration, including the parameters of configure, into a script. If you already know for sure that you will use only one version of each external dependency at a time, a possible alternative is to save the commands above in the configuration files of your preferred shell (hint: for Bash, the file is named .bash_profile; for Tcsh, it is .profile).

Making your fixes permanent and flexible

A popular and widely-used system to flexibly manage build-time and run-time parameters for all kinds of programs and libraries is the Environment Modules package. If you have used a HPC facility, you are likely familiar with the module load and module avail commands. You can find it, as well as documentation and tutorials, at the following address:

The Environment Modules package is available as a standard package for most Linux distributions and is usually called environment-modules. To use it, you just need to create a directory tree with the names of the components you want to use and store the corresponding parameters into files named after the component version numbers.

Following is an example for libvdwxc. We will suppose that you have created a directory named $HOME/modulefiles/libvdwxc and have created a file named git-version there.

Here is an example of what you can put in the git-version file:

## Libvdwxc module

# Package parameters
set name    "libvdwxc"
set version "git"
set build   "gnu_4.8"
set desc    "$name ($version, $build)"
set url     ""
set root    /home/user/my_libs/$name-$version

proc ModulesHelp { } {
  global name
  global desc
  global url
  puts stderr "This modulefile provides $desc.\n"
  puts stderr "More information about $name can be found at:"
  puts stderr "    $url\n"

module-whatis  "Sets the environment for $desc"

setenv PFFT_INCLUDES "-I$root/include"
setenv PFFT_LIBS "-L$root/lib -lvdwxc"

prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH $root/lib
prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH $root/lib
prepend-path PATH $root/bin

Once done, you can issue the following commands:

module use $HOME/modulefiles
module avail

You should see libvdwxc/git-version appear among the listed packages. In this case, if you have built and installed libvdwxc in $HOME/my_libs/libvdwxc-git, you will be able to use it by typing module load libvdwxc and make it unavailable by typing module unload libvdwxc.

If you want your custom module files to be permanently available, just add the following to the $HOME/.modulerc file:

module use /home/user/modulefiles

where you replace user by your login name.

Tips and tricks

Retrieving configure parameters from the last build

You can find the configure parameters used for the last build of libvdwxc at the top of the config.log file. To use them again, you just need to add quotes at the appropriate locations.